이 블로그는 기존 BIM principle and philosophy 사이트를 개정한 것입니다.
2021년 9월 6일 월요일
Research History
I'm Engineer and Researcher, Taewook Kang who majored in Construction Engineering (Ph.D) and Software Engineering (Master's). I'm very interested in creating small but continuous social value through the convergence of both fields. To this, I'm collaborating with research activities related to construction IT convergence such as writing specialized books related to construction IT technology including BIM (Building Information Modeling),Internet Podcast broadcasting, article contribution, and academic activities. In order to contribute socially to the improvement of the domestic engineering culture, I'm conductingopen sourceand social community exhibition activities. -Taewook Kang (Google Scholar, ORCIDandLinkedinprofile).
Portfolio (2020)
* About English version introduction, refer to the bottom paragraph on this page.
건설, 건축과 IT 소프트웨어 공학을 함께 다루어야 하는 연구과제 참여 중. 주로, 관련 기술 및 지침 등 개발. ※ 평균 팀장 1.5과제. 나머지 팀원 3개 과제 수행. 참여율 제한 120% 이내 수행. 년 평균 기획과제 1회 수행. www.ntis.go.kr 검색 참고.
2012~2016, BIM/GIS 기반 건설공간정보 융합기술 개발, Development of BIM/GIS Interoperability Open-Platform, 한국건설기술연구원
2012~2013, BIM기반 철도 전생애주기 기술개발 기획과제, 철도기술연구원
2012~2013, 가상 설계 및 시공 지원체계 기획과제, 한국건설기술연구원
2011~2012, 글로벌 건설IT 산업생태계 조성을 위한 개방형 BIM 통합 솔루션 개발, WBS (World Best Software) BIM 모델러 개발과제, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 지식경제부
2013, “BIM-GIS 간 공간 정보 상호 연동 장치 및 상호 연동 방법” 특허 등록
2013, BIM/GIS 표준화 활동 및 발표 (Case Study about BIM on GIS platform development project with the standard model, 2013.5, ISO-TC211)
4. 관련 논문/특허 (Journal and Patents)
※ SCIE 12편(주저자-1저자 & 교신저자 10편, 교신저자 1편, 공저자 2편)(the first author for five years. Refer to authorship guideline & order discuss in wiki). 주저자 SCIE인 경우 매년 평균 1.14개 출판, 3년동안 주저자 4개 출판.
2016.5, Performance evaluation of automated 3D image-scan-based reverse engineering in architectural MEP pipe object modeling, Korean Spatial Information Society
2015.10, Feature Template-Based Sweeping Shape Reverse Engineering Algorithm using a 3D Point Cloud, Imaging & Geospatial Technology Forum (IGTF) and American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
2015. Building Information Modeling for FM, International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2015)
2014, A Study on Effective Context-based BIM Query Results Style Description (BSD), SMART 2014
2014, Lightweight BIM Shape Format Structure Development to Represent the Large Volume BIM Geometry Objects based on GIS considering Facility Management, ISARC 2014
2013.11, A study on BIM and PLM Application Consideration for the Railway industry, ICGIS 2013
2013.11. Facility Management System Architecture Considering the Perspective View based on BIM, ICCBEI
2013.10. The Architecture Development for the Interoperability between BIM and GIS, CONVR 2013
Database integration and query based on B2GM.
BIM-GIS Integration Level(BG-IL) definition
BPD metadata architecture concept diagram.
Results of interference check case.
2) 국내 (Domestic journals) ※ 주저자로 국내 등재지 평균 1년에 3편 이상 출판
2014, 효과적인 포인트 클라우드 기반 건축 MEP 파이프 객체 역설계 처리를 위한 시스템 아키텍처, System Architecture for Effective Point Cloud-based Reverse Engineering of Architectural MEP Pipe Object
2014, 오픈 소스 BIM서버를 활용한 비용 효과적인 GIS기반 BIM 객체 가시화 시스템 아키텍처 설계, GIS-based BIM Object Visualization System Architecture Design using Open source BIM Server Cost-Effectively
2014, 효과적인 도시시설물 관리를 위한 BIM기반 참조 모델 개발, A Study on BIM-based Reference Model for Effective Urban Facility Management
2013, BIM수행성과 평가도구의 개발방향에 대한 연구 A Study on the Development Direction of a BIM Performance Assessment Tool
2013, BIM과 GIS간 공간정보 상호운용성 개발 전략에 관한 연구 A study related to interoperability development strategy between BIM and GIS
2013, BIM과 이기종 솔류션 데이터통합을 고려한 시설물관리시스템 아키텍처 개발에 관한 연구 A Study on BIM-based Facility Management System Architecture Development considering the heterogeneous solution data integration
2013, 건축 시설물 관리 관점에서 GIS기반 대용량 BIM형상 객체 표현을 위한 경량 BIM 형상 포맷 구조 개발에 관한 연구 A Study on the Lightweight BIM Shape Format(LBSF) Structure Development to Represent the Large Volume BIM Geometry Objects based on GIS as the Viewpoint of the Building Facility Management
2012, IFC에서 CityGML로 속성 맵핑을 위한 메타 데이터에 관한 연구 The study related to the metadata for the attribute mapping from IFC to CityGML
2012, 건설 공간 정보 모델링을 위한 토목 BIM묘사 중립 라이브러리 개발 방향 A Study on Civil BIM Description Neutral Library Development Direction for modeling the Construction Spatial Information
2012, 건설데이터와 GIS데이터의 효율적 활용을 위한 IFC와 CityGML간의 연계 A Study on The Correlation Analysis Between IFC and CityGML for Efficient Utilization of Construction Data and GIS Data
I'm the senior researcher who is researching and developing BIM technology and platform. I have R&D project experiences such as BIM on GIS platform(to support Interoperability between BIM and GIS), BIM-based Application (BIM-based Facility Management etc), BIM-based reverse engineering(3D image scan-based), BIM/VDC supporting system project(as the viewpoint of national policy system and standard. our paper) in KICT.
I have interests such as BIM, Computer graphics(Vision etc) and software engineering(Object oriented analysis and modeling, Machine Learning). You can refer to interests link(https://sites.google.com/site/bimprinciple/our-company/interests) of my blog. In addition, I have the specialty in Civil Engineering(Ph.D.), Software Engineering(Master) and Computer Graphics(Cad engine / Modeler / 3D simulator software development including Media artwork).
I wrote various books as first author (book titles - BIM principle (English version contents), BIM interoperability and platform, BIM-based architecture collaborative design, Civil BIM with Autodesk Civil3D, BIM-based facility manager etc) related to BIM contents(refer to https://sites.google.com/site/bimprinciple. You can see the book artworks and Korean version book titles).
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